Kenneth Stout

My name is Kenneth Stout and I am the President of Stout Precision Development Inc. As the founder of this construction company I think that it is important for you to understand who it is that sets the standards and provides the measure for all that we do as a company.

First and most importantly, I believe and attribute all my success to GOD, who has directed my steps and has given me the talent to be successful in an occupation that I love. The rest of the story is only the path that I have traveled to get to where I am today.

I spent my free time as a child being fascinated with buildings. I loved to draw them and figure out how rooms and spaces went together to create functional floor plans. I knew at a young age that I was going to be an Architect. I spent all of my school years striving towards that goal and even had summer jobs that would enrich my education.

In 1979, I had an idea that if I actually spent time building the things that I wanted to design, it would allow me to have a leg up on any future rivals in my chosen profession. I was introduced to construction, and even though I knew I still wanted to be an Architect, a love of construction was birthed in me. In the next 3 years I came to realize that construction was what I loved to do, and that I could combine my love of construction with my desire to be an Architect. I now want to be a General Contractor and I knew that someday I would own my own company, and would design and build beautiful custom homes for a living.

I applied to and was accepted by the University of Arizona, into the School of Architecture and lasted 18 months there. I quickly realized that architecture was not as exciting as I had imagined it to be. However, I still had a gift for design so I came back home with the intention of being a custom home builder.

My initial construction experience was working for a concrete company pouring and erecting concrete tilt slabs, and even though it was an amazing experience to be around such incredible machinery, it was a very mundane job. I was also introduced to commercial electrical work which had no appeal for me whatsoever. In my senior year of high school I had worked for a carpentry sub-contractor before going off to college and I rejoined that company to learn the trade I truly enjoyed, and I stayed with them until the day I started my own company.

I was very blessed to work for a foreman who became my mentor, and was fortunate to be able to work on custom homes as well as the tract housing that the company specialized in. As a carpenter I had a creative outlet to build many unique and challenging things with my hands, and I also had a deep desire to learn and experience all that this trade could offer me. In the 14 years that I worked for that company, I had been everything from a laborer to a project manager and was being groomed to take over all of the day to day operations of the company. In 1994 I felt that I had learned everything that I needed to know to start my own business, so with the blessing of my wife I took the leap of faith to start Stout Precision Development Inc.

I am relating this story to you so that you understand that this company is not something that I inherited, or bought into as an entrepreneur, but instead, it is the fruition of a lifelong dream to build custom homes. I have many opportunities to be involved with the design of homes and to also provide value engineering ideas on existing designs. It is the most satisfying career that I can imagine for myself, and it is something that I am passionate about.

I am very proud of what we have been privileged to build over the years, and I am very grateful to those who have entrusted us with what I feel is the most important phase of any building project- the skeleton. The skeleton of a building must be strong and precise in order to support the materials that cover it. That is what Stout Precision Development means and what we strive for on all of our projects.